Would you be willing to consider that the evil and anti-optimum-health underpinnings of Covid-19 vaccines and lockdowns and mandates aren't crazy "conspiracy theories" if you learned the very inventor of the mRNA technology that is used in Covid-19 vaccines is a leading a group of 4,200 physicians and scientists advocating for early treatment and against aggressive government intrusion?
Read the article published at LifeSiteNews.com https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/4200-physicians-sign-declaration-for-early-treatment-of-covid-19-against-govt-intrusion/
No Less Than 47 Studies Confirm Ineffectiveness Of Masks For Covid-19 And Viruses In General9/11/2021 So you claim you will abide by "the science," correct? Perhaps no less than 47 studies showing the ineffectiveness of masks against not only Covid-19 but viruses in general will convince you that all these mask mandates are not only "theater" but are even harmful to human health, particularly children's health.
The list of studies is available here. An excellent article explaining the truth about mask wearing, including mask wearing as practiced by medical personnel, is here. An excellent explanation as to how the media lied about the P f i z e r Covid-19 injection being approved for general use is found here. Another excellent explanation is found here. Here is the FDA's misleading "approval" press release. Be sure to check out the excerpts below from the actual FDA Letter proving that the P f i z e r injection remains classified as "Emergency Use Only" ("EUA"). A good article explaining bait and switch deceit is found here.
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December 2022