Can You Tell The Difference Between A "Conspiracy Theory" And A True Conspiracy? Have You Ever Tried?
Often actual conspiracies designed to harm human beings and/or steal from them are so unbelievable that many will ignore the crime or pass it off as unworthy of any investigation. Try this as an example:
A government-funded experiment in Germany in which homeless children were placed with known pedophiles is at the center of renewed scrutiny.
Beginning in the 1970s, the local government in Berlin signed off on and bankrolled a policy orchestrated by renowned psychologist Helmut Kentler. The project took at risk youth in the city and intentionally put them in a foster care system with documented predators. The stated goal was to provide children a friendly environment while incentivizing the foster fathers to create an atmosphere that was beneficial to the recipients. Read more here.
Beginning in the 1970s, the local government in Berlin signed off on and bankrolled a policy orchestrated by renowned psychologist Helmut Kentler. The project took at risk youth in the city and intentionally put them in a foster care system with documented predators. The stated goal was to provide children a friendly environment while incentivizing the foster fathers to create an atmosphere that was beneficial to the recipients. Read more here.